Disclosure Policy

1.Standards of Disclosure

We disclose information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations, as well as the rules on timely disclosure, etc. established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as “Timely Disclosure Rules”). In addition, we disclose information that is not required by laws and regulations and the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information, but is considered to have a substantive impact on investment decisions or to be useful in deepening understanding of our company, in consideration of fairness and timeliness.

2.Method of Information Disclosure

Information disclosed in accordance with laws and regulations and the Timely Disclosure Rules is disclosed on TDnet (Timely Disclosure network: a system for the timely disclosure of information) and EDINET (Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ NETwork (Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ NETwork: an electronic disclosure system for securities reports and other disclosure documents based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law), and then post the information on our website.
Even for information that does not fall under the above categories, we will endeavor to disseminate such information as fairly and widely as possible by posting such information on our website.

3.Prospects for the Future

The business plans, earnings forecasts, and other future information disclosed by the Company are based on the Company’s judgments and assumptions at the time of disclosure, and are not guarantees or assurances that the Company’s future plans or measures will be realized. Actual results may differ materially depending on various factors.

4.Quiet Period

In order to prevent leaks of financial information and ensure fairness, the Company observes a quiet period from the day following the last day of each quarter until the announcement of the relevant financial results. During this period, the Company refrains from making comments or responding to inquiries regarding financial results, except those related to information that has already been made public.
Even during the quiet period, we will disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner as required by laws and regulations or the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information.